Campus Safety Workshop for Schools

LAKE COUNTY, CALIF. (September 30, 2022) County and school district staff joined together to review best practices related to school campus safety and preparedness for potentiometer intruders.

Sgt. Joe Dutra from the Lake County Sheriff's Office, having a long tenure in law enforcement, presented the information to a room full of engaged administrators, campus safety staff and superintendents. Each individual was

Dutra shared details about warning signs to consider for school threats, how student mental health needs are a priority , common basic procedures to consider for safety preparedness, and educating our students and staff.

Each staff member was ready and engaged to hear strategies on how to keep their campus safe for students and staff. Sgt Dutra ended the session by offering individualized visits to school sites and districts to provide further support.

Thank you to all participants for making campus safety a priority in Lake County and to Sgt. Dutra for his knowledge on the topic.

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